*You are viewing an archived guide. Please click this link for an updated guide.*

The templates available within your district's Student Plans module can be customized by users to fit the needs of your students. Only users with the Admin role designated within Pivot can create or edit these templates. 

NOTE: The Template only effects the "Form" tab within the student's plan. The other tabs (Details, Data, Goals, Notes, Progress, and Sharing) will remain standardized within the plan. 

Step-by-step guide

Login as a Pivot Admin and select "Student Plans" in the Admin menu. Then select "Templates".

A list of templates already-created within your site will appear. You may interact with an existing template by editing it, viewing it, copying it, or deleting it.

NOTE: If student data is tied to an existing template, you will not have the ability to edit or delete the template, but you may choose to un-publish it by toggling the green button to off (white). 

To create a new template, select the green "Create Template" button. 

Provide a name and Save Template. 

After your template is saved, you may begin to add Fields for the form. 

Select the field Type. 

Complete the information necessary to customize the field selected. 

Continue to add and customize Fields as needed. 

When form is completed, Save Form and Preview Template if desired. 

If you are satisfied with your template, publish it by locating it in your templates menu and toggling the publish icon to green.