[ARCHIVE] Admin - Report Builder

*You are viewing an archived guide. Please click this link for an updated guide.*






When preparing to use Report Builder, it is important to consider the students that you want to include in the results.

As an admin, you can search and run the report for an individual student or group of students. If you want to run a report for a group of students, create the group before going to Report Builder. (Create Groups User Guide)

Select Data Warehouse> Report Builder



Click Create Report>Name the report>Click Next


Select Assessments

You have the ability to select multiple assessments and also multiple school years. As you make your selection, you will see the selection populate at the top.

Select the school year(s)>assessment>categories and/or subcategories>click Next

*To remove a score/subscore deselect the green checkmark or click the "X" on the assessment chip that populates at the top. 


Select Students

To add students click the Green Add icon.

You can select a group, or search for individual students. As you select students they will populate in the table below. 

Check the box next to each student that you want to include on the report or check the "All" box to select all students that are listed. 

Click Done


Modify Student Selection

To remove students from the report, check the box next to the student's name. A Red Remove icon will appear



Click Export to create the report

*If you click Cancel, your assessment selections will save, but not your selected students. 


Processing for Download

Refresh your Pivot screen to update the status from Processing for Download to Ready for Download



There are 4 actions you can take after you create your report.

  1. Download

As soon as the status has updated to Ready for Download, you can click the download icon. This will export the data from the report into a csv file on your computer.

2. Rerun

When you click Rerun, you will be taken to the student selection screen. You can add/remove students and run the export again without having to select the assessments again.

Click the Green Add Users icon to add more students to the report.

Select the box next to a student's name. Then click the Red Remove User icon that will appear to remove the student from the report. 

3. Edit

The Edit icon will take you to the Assessment selection screen where you can add/remove assessments. 

Deselect the green checkmark next to the assessment name or click the X on the assessment chip to remove the assessment.

Add more assessments by selecting the appropriate school year, assessment, score, and/or subscore. 

4. Delete

The delete icon removes the created report from your report queue. 

When you click delete, a pop-up window will ask for you to confirm the deletion. This cannot be undone.