[ARCHIVE] Indiana Graduation Pathways in Pivot

[ARCHIVE] Indiana Graduation Pathways in Pivot

*You are viewing an archived guide. Please click this link for an updated guide.*

Starting with the 2023 Graduation cohort, Indiana's State Board of Education will require all public school districts to track students' self-elected Graduation Pathways. Pivot Student Plans module effortlessly enables all appropriate stakeholders to monitor, comment on, and report on each student's progress made toward their Pathway goal. 

More information regarding the Indiana Graduation Pathways can be found here - https://www.doe.in.gov/graduation-pathways

Step-by-step guide: 

Login to your Pivot Site and access your Student Plans Dashboard. 

On your Dashboard, navigate to "New Student Plans"

You must select at least one student and then select your template - "Indiana Graduation Pathway". 

NOTE: Your Pivot District Administrator must first enable the Indiana Graduation Pathway Template before it is available for use. 

Complete the appropriate blank fields on the initial tab (the "Details" tab).


** Certain fields of student information are automatically pulled in from your district's Student Information System. 

Student Assessment Data is automatically pulled into the Data tab from your district's Pivot Data Warehouse module to allow the facilitator of the Pathway plan to seamlessly track longitudinal assessment progress. 

The Forms tab allows the facilitator of the plan to document the student's Graduation Pathway requirements. 

Files may also be uploaded directly into this form as evidence of achievement. 

The Goals tab allows the facilitator of the plan to add goals with appropriate accommodations and strategies if needed. 

Progress in the form of Benchmark tracking, Internship Hours, etc. can be monitored and documented on the Progress tab. 

The Resources tab allows for another area to upload relevant documents. 

Creators of the Pathway plan can share viewing and editing rights easily with colleagues, ensuring a true collaborative effort. 

When finished, be sure to save all work and Return to your Dashboard. 

** When the student has completed their plan, edit the plan and mark as "Complete". 

NOTE – Once a plan is marked as "Complete", it cannot be edited. 

The Grad Report allows for stakeholders to easily track progress made on their district's Graduation Pathways by cohort, Diploma, Employability Skills, and Postsecondary-Competencies filters. 

The results returned can further be sorted by column headers. 

Finally, a state-required .csv report can be exported from the system for easy state reporting! 

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[ARCHIVE] Student Plans Dashboard Navigation and Utilization

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