[ARCHIVE] Student Sharing

[ARCHIVE] Student Sharing

*You are viewing an archived guide. For information on how to turn on student sharing, click here; for information on how teachers can share plans with students once student sharing is on, click here; finally, for information on how students can add notes and documents to their plan, click here.*

  1. Students can view their plans, including goals, notes, progress, and more.
  2. Students can add notes, facilitating dialogue with multiple teachers and support staff.
  3. Students can upload documents, promoting ownership and increasing efficiency.

Actions needed by the Pivot Administrator:

1Login to Pivot account > Navigate to the gear icon

2In the second row, select Student Plans

3You will see a list of all of the templates in your district's site


To enable the ability to share a students plan:

The Admin must designate the template as sharable using the Student Sharing toggle

Creating a Student Plan:

1Hover over Student Plans > Dashboard

2Student Plans Dashboard > New Student Plan


Search for the student > Select the student

Choose the correct template > Create


Once you have created the new student plan

Go to Sharing Tab > Switch toggle to allow the student to view this plan


To create a new note:

Go to the Notes Tab > New Note


Decide whether or not you would like to share your note with the student

To enable sharing > switch the toggle to green > click save


You can see if the note is enabled to be shared by looking for the green check mark

in the shared with student column

Student View:


Login to student account > Hover over Student Plans > Dashboard

Find the plan you would like to view > Click on the blue paper icon


Students can view notes that were enabled for student sharing

To create a new note > click on the green button


Students can add notes, facilitating dialogue with multiple teachers and support staff


Go to Resources tab to upload new documents

Resources Tab > New Upload


Students now have to ability to add a document and type a file description to upload to their student plan